Jason Geiman On Using YouTube To Grow Your Business Over 6-Figures!

jason geiman youtube May 20, 2021

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This week’s guest on the Shane Sams Show is Jason Geiman of kingofpressurewash.com!

When Shane Sams met Jason Geiman years ago - he had a great offline business in the greater-Cincinnati area and he had built that revenue up to 7-figures.

After selling that business and looking for a way to make money he discovered online business through the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast! Now, he has created a multiple 6-figure membership business.

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

  • How Jason built has multiple 6-figure businesses so fast (primarily focused on YouTube as a content channel)
  • Organic growth, what is working best on YouTube right now
  • YouTube ads (what works, what doesn’t work, and how we can get better at finding new traffic)
  • Mindset stategies to get past plateaus in your business
  • What it’s like to work with your spouses every single day as an entrepreneur



Show Notes

Jason started out early in his...

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