The 5 Best Business Books For Entrepreneurs!


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I’ve been asked which books I recommend for new entrepreneurs… or which books have helped me the most in my business. If I could go back in time, I would read these 5 books at the beginning of my online business journey.

In this episode, you’ll discover the best books for:

  • Discovering your why
  • Focusing on the right things in your business
  • Clearly articulating your message
  • Sales and marketing your online business
  • Managing your finances as an entrepreneur

Get these books by clicking below:

Start With Why by Simon Sinek

The One Thing by Gary Keller

The Pumpkin Plan by Mike Michalowicz

Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller

Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson

Profit First by Mike Michalowicz

If you need help starting, building, and growing an online business, check out all of the support and resources for entrepreneurs at and

Follow Shane on twitter @shane_sams...

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Overcoming Perfectionism in Business and Life!


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Do you struggle with perfectionism? What is it that keeps you from taking action in your online business? Today we’re going to define what perfectionism really is and how we can overcome it!

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • 5 ways to overcome perfectionism
  • What perfectionism actually means

This is a #NoSugarShane episode. I’m not sugar-coating anything. I hope that this episode helps you move forward toward your goals of earning a living from home!

If you need help starting, building, and growing an online business, check out all of the support and resources for entrepreneurs at and

Follow Shane on twitter @shane_sams.

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Pedro Adao on How to Grow Your Business with Challenges!


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Today’s guest on The Shane Sams Show is Pedro Adao, an expert in the challenge industry!

Pedro is an 8-figure entrepreneur, 7-time ClickFunnels 2 Comma Club Winner, ClickFunnels X Club Recipient, best-selling author, Founder of 100X Academy & Fortress Financial Group, and creator of Crush It With Challenges!

Pedro was climbing the corporate ladder in his 20s, but he was bored and felt like his career didn’t have meaning. He started a side hustle in real estate, which soon surpassed Pedro’s day job as his main source of income.

He wanted to go all-in and quit his job, but he had the 9-to-5 life ingrained in his mind. Eventually, Pedro found the faith to push him to change his career path.

It wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, though. Pedro wanted to achieve wealth faster and soon got into a situation where he owed a lot of money to his friends and family.

On this podcast, we talk about the lessons Pedro learned...

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5 Lessons I learned from my Life-threatening Illness (and 9 Day Hospital Stay)


I just had my follow up appointment with my Doctor after spending almost 9 full days in the hospital...

He told me, "Shane, you were 2-3 days from your organs failing... or worse.  Thank God you went to the ER when you did. This kills people. It could have killed you."

Here's what happened...

I came home a few weeks ago from a speaking event in Florida.

Over the next few days, I felt super tired all the time. 

You know the feeling, right?

Where you just can't "wake up" all day, or find much motivation to do anything?

At first I thought, "I'm probably just tired from traveling... I'll shake it off."

Then the fevers started...



103... That's when I got a little scared.

My brother sent me a text to check on me and I showed him the thermometer...

He was right, I needed to go to the hospital, but I had a problem...

We were in the middle of a snow storm and all the power at our house went out.

I decided to "tough it out" and stay with my family so we could deal...

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