How Jon Loomer Created His Own Path With Online Business!


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Today’s guest on the Shane Sams Show is Jon Loomer of & Social Media Pubcast! Jon is a self-proclaimed baseball nerd and “accidental marketer.”

After having several jobs that he didn’t like and a couple that he really enjoyed, Jon found himself unemployed, so he started a blog about social media. He realized that much of his website traffic was “empty traffic,” so he knew that he needed to make a product.

He niched down to advanced Facebook advertising and found success! Shane Sams and Jon talk about growing your business and teams, as well as delegating tasks that others can perform better.

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

  • Jon Loomer’s story of going from bad jobs to good ones to creating his own business
  • How to delegate what you’re not good at
  • Websites can become businesses when you sell products

If you need help starting, building, and growing an online...

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Amy Porterfield On Building A Million Dollar Membership!


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I am pumped today we have an amazing guest on the show - Amy Porterfield! Amy Porterfield is one of the best podcasters and entrepreneurs anywhere online. She has built an incredible business that generates millions of dollars every single year! Part of her strategy? The membership model in her Momentum Membership!

We cover a lot of ground in today’s podcast:

    • Her new podcast, The Talking Body Podcast!
    • Amy’s strategy in the Momentum Membership.
    • How she grew her membership community into a million dollar membership (during a pandemic)!
    • The importance of list-building!
    • How you can use webinars to grow a membership site of your own.
    • How to use Facebook to grow your business!
    • What Amy does to stop self-doubt!



Show Notes

Momentum Membership in the Amy Empire (23:00)

 Amy says she has a customer journey product line inside her business with 3 products:

  1. How to get started with list building, starting from...
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The BEST FacebookĀ Ads Podcast EpisodeĀ Ever w/ Monica Louie!


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Monica Louie is an amazing entrepreneur that helps 6, 7, and 8-figure business run Facebook ads through her agency. She also teaches people how to set up their own Facebook ads through her Facebook programs.

 She has an amazing Facebook agency that we have used ourselves to run our Facebook ads for us. Her membership and course communities are awesome!

 Stay tuned and listen very closely to today’s podcast because this is the BEST Facebook ads podcast you will ever hear!

 We talk about:

    • Building audiences!
    • Setting ad budgets!
    • How to get the best ROI on your Facebook ads!

What You'll Learn:

1. How to focus ad campaigns to get leads! (13:30) 

2. The importance of brand awareness! (16:30)

3. How to drive traffic from other people! (19:00)

4. Why you should give your Facebook ads time! (27:00)

5. How to build an audience using Facebook ads! (37:00)

6. Why you should test different types of audiences! (49:00)


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