Kathy Martin On Saying NOPE To Imposter Syndrome!


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Today’s guest on the Membership Masters Podcast is Kathy Martin of prealgebrateachers.com!

Over the years Shane Sams has helped thousands of family-focused entrepreneurs start, build, and grow online businesses of their own.

Several years ago Kathy joined the Flipped Lifestyle Community and started her online journey. She struggled her first year and after getting her first members - they quit. Kathy was relentless, prolific, and consistent. Now, she leads and amazing online community of over 500 members!

In today’s episode we talk about:

  • How desire was critical in the beginning of Kathy’s online business journey
  • Overcoming mindset issues that entrepreneurs face every step in their journey
  • How Kathy says “NOPE” when fear creeps into her mind to try to stop her growth



Show Notes

What triggered you to start your own membership? (8:00)

Kathy Martin had taught elementary school for a few years....

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John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneurs On Fire Shows Us The Path To Uncommon Success!


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Shane Sams is excited to welcome back our first repeat guest on the Membership Masters Podcast: John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneurs On Fire! Now, John has written an amazing book called The Common Path To Uncommon Success. And Shane was lucky enough to get an advanced copy before it was released and was so pumped up about it we had to have him on the podcast today!


In today’s podcast Shane and John talk about:

  • What Uncommon Success looks like for you.
  • How you can achieve the exact dream you want to go after.
  • How you can find amazing mentors to shorten that runway to success and avoid pitfalls along the way.
  • The importance of masterminds and how you can find the people for your mastermind group.
  • The content strategy John Lee Dumas used to create his multi-million dollar empire.



Show Notes

On March 23rd John Lee Dumas’ new book, The Common Path To Uncommon Success, will be available! Don’t wait until the...

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Seth Buechley On How To Have Ambition + Gratitude!


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Today’s guest is Seth Buechley, author of Ambition: Leading With Gratitude and he drops some amazing value in this interview!

In my conversation with Seth Buechley today we covered a wide range of topics! On today’s podcast you’re going to learn:

  • All of the lessons Seth Buechley figured out while building a $60M company
  • Seth Beuchley’s framework for establishing and setting core values in your company that can be the guiding principles you need to take it to the next level and break through plateaus
  • Seth Buechley’s 4-point framework for finding and becoming a great mentor
  • How to reach your potential, impact the world around you, and leave a legacy for your family



Show Notes

 Satisfaction doesn’t live on the other side of achievement. (12:00)

 Seth has a great quote on his website that says, “satisfaction doesn’t live on the other side of achievement - it...

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Kat Jarman On Customer Service For Memberships!


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Today’s guest is my good friend, Kat Jarman! In this episode we are going to be talking about how to provide top-notch, world class customer service for your members in your membership website!

Kat is an amazing entrepreneur and she is an expert at building customer service teams for membership websites!

Today you’ll learn:

  • How to get amazing systems in place so you can serve your members and keep them paying longer!
  • How to build amazing customer service teams!



Show Notes

 Why is community important? (8:00)

 Kat Jarman has ran an online business management agency for around 3 years. She does high-level operations and has noticed that people with memberships tend to have the best results and biggest transformations.

 Why? If you ask Kat, it all boils down to the community aspect (you don’t get that with other business models)! The goals are typically not on getting Ferrari but being able to...

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How To Sell Your Online Business With Jason Yelowitz!


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I love membership websites and I love SELLING membership websites - today’s guest is Jason Yelowitz, the guy that helped me sell one of my first membership websites for 7-figures!

Quiet Light is where Jason is the best in the business at selling subscription and membership-based businesses!

Today, Jason goes into the process of selling your membership business and why you should! If you’re just starting out - Jason tells you what you can do form the beginning to make it a business that would be attractive to buyers if you ever decided to sell!



Show Notes

Jason Yelowitz says the #1 thing to do in your business is to make it easily transferable.

  • Transferability: Present a clear, easily transferable system. The business should be turn-key. Ready to hand off.

Know your metrics.

Spend the time, money and elbow grease to go backwards and separate everything out! The more buyers there are, the more pressure you have,...

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Aaron Walker of Iron Sharpens Iron Mastermind Group On Marketing A Higher-Ticket Monthly Membership!


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Today’s guest is Aaron Walker (viewfromthetop.com), the leader of the Iron Sharpens Iron Mastermind Group!

 Aaron is an amazing entrepreneur who has started 14 different business - all of the having success along the way! He has created an incredible membership where he charges $575/month. He has hundreds of members from 9 different countries!

In this episode you will learn:

  • How an application process can build the membership that you want!
  • How to sell and market a higher-ticket monthly membership.
  • How to get customers into the top of your funnel!



Show Notes

Fall in love with helping others! (7:00)

Aaron started his first business 42 years ago and sold to a Fortune 500 Company at age 27! This man is a serial entrepreneur and 10 years ago he finally retired for the third and final time.

After a brief retirement Aaron got back into the game and starting coaching this time around! Fast forward 7 years later Aaron...

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Amy Porterfield On Building A Million Dollar Membership!


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I am pumped today we have an amazing guest on the show - Amy Porterfield! Amy Porterfield is one of the best podcasters and entrepreneurs anywhere online. She has built an incredible business that generates millions of dollars every single year! Part of her strategy? The membership model in her Momentum Membership!

We cover a lot of ground in today’s podcast:

    • Her new podcast, The Talking Body Podcast!
    • Amy’s strategy in the Momentum Membership.
    • How she grew her membership community into a million dollar membership (during a pandemic)!
    • The importance of list-building!
    • How you can use webinars to grow a membership site of your own.
    • How to use Facebook to grow your business!
    • What Amy does to stop self-doubt!



Show Notes

Momentum Membership in the Amy Empire (23:00)

 Amy says she has a customer journey product line inside her business with 3 products:

  1. How to get started with list building, starting from...
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How Erin Chase Runs A Wildly Successful Low-Ticket Membership!


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Today’s guest is an amazing friend of mine and Jocelyn’s - Erin Chase of 5 Dollar Dinners (5dollardinners.com) Erin has been in the online business world for 12 years (that’s pioneer-level stufff)!

 She has been out their helping families save money on their grocery bill and save time on their dinner plan for a long, long time and she is here today to tell us about her membership site! Erin is a true master of the low-price membership offer!

Today we are going talk about:

  • How Erin built her amazing audience
  • How she started getting traffic to her site
  • Erin’s prolific content strategy!
  • How to price your membership
  • Creating multiple streams of income through multiple memberships
  • Start, build, and grow a membership while raising your family!



Show Notes

Massive success takes time! (7:00)

Erin’s success was slow growing - it certainly didn’t happen overnight. Just like she said, you...

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How Trey Stinnett of TheFlow.Coach Uses Wealth Dynamics To Get Your Team In Flow!

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I am so excited for today’s guest - Trey Stinnett (theflow.coach)! I met Trey a couple months at a workshop in Colorado and he taught a concept called Wealth Dynamics that blew my mind and within weeks changed everything that we are doing in our online business!

The Wealth Dynamics system is designed to get you in flow - that timeless state where you sit down to do work that you love and you look up to realize hours have went by.

This system that Trey teaches allows you to identify who you are and what you should be doing in your business. But, it goes a step farther! It helps you identify all the people you need on your team! And get them in flow too!

If you’ve ever taken a personality test: Myers-Briggs or the Enneagram - you know that they’re great, but they don’t have any practical, tactical advice.

In today’s episode Trey takes you through the 8 profiles of Wealth Dynamics that will tell you exactly who...

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Dream 100 Guru Dana Derricks On The Power of β€œSnail Mail!”

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My guest today is Dana Derricks - Dana Derricks is the guru of gurus when it comes to Dream 100 marketing! My company is using Dream 100 right now and it has changed the game in our podcast, emails, sales, everything that we’ve done and it’s going to have great results for us in the future.

We are big believers in Dream 100 and nobody on the planet teaches the Dream 100 strategy better than Dana Derricks. Dana Derricks is Russell Brunson’s go-to copywriter!

Today we’re going to talk about:

  • Dream 100
  • Copywriting
  • The power of “snail mail”
  • Dana’s new book, “One Week Author”



 What You'll Learn:

  • Traffic is the ultimate thing that every business needs long-term! (5:00)

  • You've got to look at the bigger picture. (14:00)

  • Your action is rewarded! (20:00)

  • Why is snail mail so effective?! (22:30)

  • How to be a One Week Author! (40:00)


Show Notes

Traffic is the...

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