How Erin Chase Runs A Wildly Successful Low-Ticket Membership!


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Today’s guest is an amazing friend of mine and Jocelyn’s - Erin Chase of 5 Dollar Dinners ( Erin has been in the online business world for 12 years (that’s pioneer-level stufff)!

 She has been out their helping families save money on their grocery bill and save time on their dinner plan for a long, long time and she is here today to tell us about her membership site! Erin is a true master of the low-price membership offer!

Today we are going talk about:

  • How Erin built her amazing audience
  • How she started getting traffic to her site
  • Erin’s prolific content strategy!
  • How to price your membership
  • Creating multiple streams of income through multiple memberships
  • Start, build, and grow a membership while raising your family!



Show Notes

Massive success takes time! (7:00)

Erin’s success was slow growing - it certainly didn’t happen overnight. Just like she said, you...

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How The Life Coach Schoolā€™s Brooke Castillo Built Her $35,000,000 Membership!


This is a clip from The Shane Sams Show.

Listen to the full episode:

When we talk about helping turn businesses turn into successful membership sites - Brooke Castillo is the EPITOME! Brooke Castillo of The Life Coach School ( has one of the most successful membership sites and businesses you will ever hear!

Get this: Brooke’s business is on-pace to make $35,000,000 this year! It’s ALL done through monthly memberships!

In This Podcast You Will Learn:

  • How Brooke discovered the membership model (through the Flipped Lifestyle Community)!
  • The pivotal moment Brooke decided to use the membership model for her online business.
  • How to run high-priced memberships.
  • Why it’s important to get your pricing right for audience.
  • The marketing, tactics, all the things that took Brooke form 1,000 members and took it to the next level.
  • How you can implement Brooke’s strategies to make a...
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How Jeff Twiddy Built a 3000 Member Site With Free Trials And Annual Upsells

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Jeff Twiddy is one of my very own students from the Flip Your Life Community. Jeff is a former school teacher and football coach that started his own membership site in the education space a few years ago.

He has now built an incredible membership site with more than 3,000 members paying an average of $47/month. His resources are used in hundreds of schools all over the world.

In today’s episode we go deep into Jeff’s membership site and discuss how to up-sell free trials into annual members on your ‘Thank You’ page, the life-changing nature of creating your own monthly recurring revenue business, and how outsourcing content creation allowed Jeff to focus on building his million dollar membership.


What You’ll Learn:

  • You can’t skip levels of success. (5:40)
  • Your friend groups have to change as you progress. (11:15)
  • Big things happen from small things. (18:00)
  • The reason you should sell one thing....
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How Rebecca Dekker of Evidence Based Birth Grew Her Mission-Based Membership to over 1,200 members!


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Rebecca Dekker is one of my own personal students and the founder of Evidence Based Birth that helped nurses, mid-wives, and doulas learn the best practices and most up-to-date research for helping mothers have an amazing birth experience.

Rebecca has built an amazing membership of over 1,200 members and is an incredible membership entrepreneur and online CEO.

In today’s show we are going to go deep into why Rebecca started her mission-based membership site, how she has built an incredibly diverse community, and how she has leveraged her team to not only build a successful membership business but also a business that provides her family incredible time freedom.


How to build membership sites for mission-based online businesses

  •  Memberships can cause a ripple unlike any other business model. (5:00)
  • The team you hire helps you scale your mission. (16:35)
  • When you need to hire more people for your team. (39:00)


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Jody Moore of the Better Than Happy Podcast Talks Membership Site Communities

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Jody Moore is a great example of how you really can change your life and others, through the membership model. The membership model allows more people access to Jody's life coaching, and allows her to help more people at the same time. More than 4,000 members, if we're getting technical. But, those members don't even know that she has that big of a following, because her membership, like ours, allows her the ability and freedom to devote her attention where she is needed most.


What You'll Learn:

  1. Why you don't have to have a big launch. (5:10)
  2. How to reach thousands of people. (9:35)
  3. How your membership site can evolve as you do. (11:35)
  4. How to deal with feeling the weight of leading your members. (14:40)
  5. How to define your own success. (18:00)
  6. You have to get A done before you can get B. (21:40)
  7. There is no cap to your potential. (25:35)
  8. What your sewing seasons and reaping seasons are. (34:42)
  9. How to grow your community. (37:10)
  10. ...
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