Priscilla Shirer Talks Marriage, Parenting, and Business (100th Episode)!


This is a short clip from the podcast with Priscilla Shirer. Click one of the links below to get the full episode!

Today’s guest on The Shane Sams Show is renowned speaker, author, and entrepreneur Priscilla Shirer!

Priscilla Shirer is a wife and a mom first. But put a Bible in her hand and a message in her heart and you’ll see why thousands flock to her conferences and dive into her Bible study series and books each year.

A graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, Priscilla holds a Master’s degree in Biblical Studies and considers it a privilege to serve believers from every denomination, and culture through Going Beyond Ministries.

Her trade books include Discerning the Voice of God, God is Able, and two New York Times Bestsellers – The Resolution for Women and Fervent: A Woman’s Battle Plan for Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer, which was named the 2016 Christian Book of the Year. Her...

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Life Surgeā€™s Matt Rayburn on Building Relationships!


Today’s guest on The Shane Sams Show is the Life Surge’s Chief Relationship Officer, Matt Rayburn!

LIFE SURGE is a one-day local gathering and life-changing experience that incorporates powerful worship combined with inspiring stories of faith and Godly teaching - specifically about IMPACT, by leveraging influence, business, and financial stewardship using tomorrow’s best practices, timeless Biblical strategies, and God’s supernatural power.

Their mission is to inspire, transform, and equip God’s people to SURGE their lives God’s way, and Matt is one of the key pieces at Life Surge. He is responsible for building and maintaining relationships with speakers and partners of the event.

We talk about Matt’s journey from missionary and ministry to the business world and how he met Joe Johnson, the founder of Life Surge.

Check out Life Surge founder Joe Johnson’s episode on the podcast HERE.

Since Matt is the Chief Relationship Officer, we...

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Everything You Need To Know About Sales w/ Myron Golden!


This is a clip from The Shane Sams Show. Listen to the full version below!

Today’s guest on the Shane Sams Show is Myron Golden, author of From The Trash Man to The Cash Man! Myron has consulting clients whose businesses are doing 7 and 8 figures in revenue using the business optimization strategies Myron taught them. His students are experiencing exponential business growth. Myron teaches everyday people to become wealthy, often using skills they already have.

This episode is all about sales! Myron and Shane Sams talk about how Myron got started in sales and how sales are the heart of the economy. People love to buy and to be sold to, but they hate to be convinced. If you’re trying to sell, you need to shift the potential buyers’ beliefs before they become objections. This podcast is truly packed with so much wisdom when it comes to selling!

Shane and Myron also talk about the opportunities that come...

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Welfont Founder Joe Johnson Teaches Us How To Overcome Failure!


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Today’s guest on the Shane Sams Show is Joe Johnson - the former CEO of Success Magazine, the Founder of Welfont, and the current leader of OXLOS!

Joe Johnson has experienced the highest of the highs in entrepreneurship and the lowest of the lows. In today’s episode you’ll learn those valuable lessons Joe Johnson learned through every experience he learned throughout his entrepreneurial journey!


Show Notes

Having the courage to get back up. (22:00)

Joe’s story of entrepreneurship began at a very young age. He started before he even truly knew what he was doing! Long story short, at 21-years-old his company went bankrupt and Joe Johnson was $300K in debt. But, because of his hard work and determination just 7 years later he was Blessed enough to be able to pay back all the people he owed that $300K to!

The biggest key to Joe Johnson’s success was the fact that he never gave up. He always tried again. He...

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