Amy Porterfield On Building A Million Dollar Membership!


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I am pumped today we have an amazing guest on the show - Amy Porterfield! Amy Porterfield is one of the best podcasters and entrepreneurs anywhere online. She has built an incredible business that generates millions of dollars every single year! Part of her strategy? The membership model in her Momentum Membership!

We cover a lot of ground in today’s podcast:

    • Her new podcast, The Talking Body Podcast!
    • Amy’s strategy in the Momentum Membership.
    • How she grew her membership community into a million dollar membership (during a pandemic)!
    • The importance of list-building!
    • How you can use webinars to grow a membership site of your own.
    • How to use Facebook to grow your business!
    • What Amy does to stop self-doubt!



Show Notes

Momentum Membership in the Amy Empire (23:00)

 Amy says she has a customer journey product line inside her business with 3 products:

  1. How to get started with list building, starting from...
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A Flipped Lifestyle Member Becomes A Membership Master!

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Today’s episode is little different than our normal Membership Masters how! Sometime we forget that Membership Masters aren’t just the celebrities crushing it online - there are Membership Masters all around us including my guest, Bill Giovanetti!

Bill is a Flipped Lifestyle Member and today we get to watch Bill go from membership dreamer to Membership Master! Bill did exactly what the November edition of the Membership Masters Newsletter said and he had a promotion that generated over $33K in a single week!!!



Show Notes

 Bill leads the Veritas School of Biblical Ministry, an unaccredited Master’s level program in theology. For him, the month of November was the breakthrough he needed to keep with his membership. At $33K in a single week - it’s pretty easy to understand how!

While Bill doesn’t like to talk about how much money he made it’s important to note: Bill has an important...

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How Erin Chase Runs A Wildly Successful Low-Ticket Membership!


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Today’s guest is an amazing friend of mine and Jocelyn’s - Erin Chase of 5 Dollar Dinners ( Erin has been in the online business world for 12 years (that’s pioneer-level stufff)!

 She has been out their helping families save money on their grocery bill and save time on their dinner plan for a long, long time and she is here today to tell us about her membership site! Erin is a true master of the low-price membership offer!

Today we are going talk about:

  • How Erin built her amazing audience
  • How she started getting traffic to her site
  • Erin’s prolific content strategy!
  • How to price your membership
  • Creating multiple streams of income through multiple memberships
  • Start, build, and grow a membership while raising your family!



Show Notes

Massive success takes time! (7:00)

Erin’s success was slow growing - it certainly didn’t happen overnight. Just like she said, you...

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How Trey Stinnett of TheFlow.Coach Uses Wealth Dynamics To Get Your Team In Flow!

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I am so excited for today’s guest - Trey Stinnett (! I met Trey a couple months at a workshop in Colorado and he taught a concept called Wealth Dynamics that blew my mind and within weeks changed everything that we are doing in our online business!

The Wealth Dynamics system is designed to get you in flow - that timeless state where you sit down to do work that you love and you look up to realize hours have went by.

This system that Trey teaches allows you to identify who you are and what you should be doing in your business. But, it goes a step farther! It helps you identify all the people you need on your team! And get them in flow too!

If you’ve ever taken a personality test: Myers-Briggs or the Enneagram - you know that they’re great, but they don’t have any practical, tactical advice.

In today’s episode Trey takes you through the 8 profiles of Wealth Dynamics that will tell you exactly who...

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Dream 100 Guru Dana Derricks On The Power of ā€œSnail Mail!ā€

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My guest today is Dana Derricks - Dana Derricks is the guru of gurus when it comes to Dream 100 marketing! My company is using Dream 100 right now and it has changed the game in our podcast, emails, sales, everything that we’ve done and it’s going to have great results for us in the future.

We are big believers in Dream 100 and nobody on the planet teaches the Dream 100 strategy better than Dana Derricks. Dana Derricks is Russell Brunson’s go-to copywriter!

Today we’re going to talk about:

  • Dream 100
  • Copywriting
  • The power of “snail mail”
  • Dana’s new book, “One Week Author”



 What You'll Learn:

  • Traffic is the ultimate thing that every business needs long-term! (5:00)

  • You've got to look at the bigger picture. (14:00)

  • Your action is rewarded! (20:00)

  • Why is snail mail so effective?! (22:30)

  • How to be a One Week Author! (40:00)


Show Notes

Traffic is the...

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(Best-Of) How Jeff Twiddy Up-Sells Free Trials and Makes Annual Members!

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Jeff Twiddy is one of my very own students from the Flip Your Life Community. Jeff is a former school teacher and football coach that started his own membership site in the education space a few years ago.

He has now built an incredible membership site with more than 3,000 members paying an average of $47/month. His resources are used in hundreds of schools all over the world.

In today’s episode we go deep into Jeff’s membership site and discuss how to upsell free trials into annual members on your ‘Thank You’ page, the life-changing nature of creating your own monthly recurring revenue business, and how outsourcing content creation allowed Jeff to focus on building his million dollar membership.


What You’ll Learn:

  • You can’t skip levels of success. (5:40)

  • Your friend groups have to change as you progress. (11:15)

  • Big things happen from small things. (18:00)

  • The reason you should sell one...

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How The Life Coach Schoolā€™s Brooke Castillo Built Her $35,000,000 Membership!


This is a clip from The Shane Sams Show.

Listen to the full episode:

When we talk about helping turn businesses turn into successful membership sites - Brooke Castillo is the EPITOME! Brooke Castillo of The Life Coach School ( has one of the most successful membership sites and businesses you will ever hear!

Get this: Brooke’s business is on-pace to make $35,000,000 this year! It’s ALL done through monthly memberships!

In This Podcast You Will Learn:

  • How Brooke discovered the membership model (through the Flipped Lifestyle Community)!
  • The pivotal moment Brooke decided to use the membership model for her online business.
  • How to run high-priced memberships.
  • Why it’s important to get your pricing right for audience.
  • The marketing, tactics, all the things that took Brooke form 1,000 members and took it to the next level.
  • How you can implement Brooke’s strategies to make a...
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The BEST FacebookĀ Ads Podcast EpisodeĀ Ever w/ Monica Louie!


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Monica Louie is an amazing entrepreneur that helps 6, 7, and 8-figure business run Facebook ads through her agency. She also teaches people how to set up their own Facebook ads through her Facebook programs.

 She has an amazing Facebook agency that we have used ourselves to run our Facebook ads for us. Her membership and course communities are awesome!

 Stay tuned and listen very closely to today’s podcast because this is the BEST Facebook ads podcast you will ever hear!

 We talk about:

    • Building audiences!
    • Setting ad budgets!
    • How to get the best ROI on your Facebook ads!

What You'll Learn:

1. How to focus ad campaigns to get leads! (13:30) 

2. The importance of brand awareness! (16:30)

3. How to drive traffic from other people! (19:00)

4. Why you should give your Facebook ads time! (27:00)

5. How to build an audience using Facebook ads! (37:00)

6. Why you should test different types of audiences! (49:00)


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How Grant Baldwin of The Speaker Lab Grows His Audience Virtually!


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This week we are talking to Grant Baldwin from The Speaker Lab. Grant is the authority to grow your business and get booked or paid to speak!

We are talking about:

  • How to grow your audience through speaking virtually!
  • Growing your team to take your membership game to the next level!
  • Grant’s tools and his new book!



What You'll Learn:

1. What happens when it all shuts down? (3:00)

2. Should you charge for speaking? (13:30)

3. How do you lead a team? (27:00)


Show Notes

What happens when it all shuts down?

When you’re in the online business space you can solve your issues of not being able to meet in-person!

Grant is leaning into this through virtual speaking and helping others do so too!


Should you charge for speaking?

What’s the line for using speaking as a lead generation or as income?

Should you?

  • Only charge for expenses?
  • Get paid to speak?
  • Speak for free?

Yes! (All of them work)!...

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How Chris Ducker Of YouPreneur Creates An Ecosystem In His Membership!


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On today’s show my guest is my good friend Chris Ducker of!

Jocelyn and I have known Chris since way back in 2014. And, he was instrumental in growing our online business back in the day!

Today we are going to talk about the YouPrenuer Academy, Chris’ membership site all about building the brand of you - taking your business and turning it into a personal brand!



On Today’s Show You'll Learn:

  • How to grow an audience with great content.

  • How to launch + grow a membership community without a single course inside of it.

  • How to create an ecosystem of products around your core membership community.


Show Notes

Who Is A “YouPreneur?”

Chris says a YouPreneur is somebody who builds a business based on them. Not reliant upon them - but based on their own lives. These people are authors, speakers content creators, anyone that builds their brand around their personal...

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